Towards The Artificial Experience: Interactive Fiction in Cinematic VR at ZIP-SCENE
How cool is to show the main organizer as the ideal interactive VR-viewer. Surprise from Cecilia Maria Reyes, initial picture taken at #icids2017 mise-en-abyme photo by @orsidoczy at #zipsceneconference #budapest #vr #interactivestorytelling #immersionmodel — con Orsi Doczy y Xeh Reyes en MOME - Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem.
I will be sharing the results of my PhD Thesis in Interactive Fiction in Cinematic Virtual Reality at the ZIP-SCENE Conference, that will be held at the University of Art and Design, in Budapest, Hungary.
The topic of this year will be Perspectives on Digital Interactivity and Narrative in Performing Arts and VR